KDA Application & Payment

We invite businesses, organizations and area residents to join the Kerrytown District Association as we work to improve our vibrant area through advocacy, communications, events and promotions.

The annual membership fee is $250 for businesses and $50 for residents who would like to be involved with KDA. Businesses and organizations with addresses outside the district will be listed as supporting members on the website for $125. Active participation is encouraged in this volunteer-run, non-profit organization. 

You can apply to become a member, renew your membership, and pay your dues online below. If you prefer to pay by check, please download the application here and mail to the address on form.

To pay online, please select from business or resident and fill out the form before checkout. 

We currently accept PayPal which takes major credit cards as well.

Annual membership is $250 for businesses, $50 for residents/neighbors and $125 for supporting members (businesses outside of our district boundaries) download the application here

Due by March 30th for the current calendar year.